About Danielle
Danielle Shakenovsky is a qualified Social Worker having obtained a Bachelors degree in Social Work from the University of Johannesburg. Danielle's field of interest is grief, loss and bereavement as well issues relating to social skills. Danielle's work also includes play therapy, trauma, family counselling and self esteem/confidence building with children and adolescents. Danielle runs social skills groups with children between the ages of 8 and 12 years. These groups focus on issues such as bullying, social media, communication, expressing feelings, and assertiveness.
Danielle has previously held a position as a statutory social worker, working with children from compromised backgrounds. She has facilitated the process of transitioning children into stable environments whether it be foster care, adoption or family reunification. Danielle has facilitated support groups for children who have lost a parent, providing them with the support and skills in order to cope with the loss. Danielle has spent time in Rwanda assisting and supporting vulnerable youth and empowering them with the self confidence in order for them to succeed in society.
Danielle is passionate about empowering young people to overcome challenges and to make their world brighter. As this process involves multiple role players , she also consults with family members as every family member has a role to play.
Danielle is fully registered with the SACSSP, and the Board of Health Care Funders. A percentage of counselling fees can be reimbursed from medical aid.

"The good life is a process, not a state of being. It is a direction, not a destination"
- Carl Rogers

Play Therapy


Play Therapy
Play therapy is a form of counseling that uses play to help children communicate and to prevent or resolve psychosocial challenges. This is thought to help them towards better social integration, growth and development, emotional modulation, and trauma resolution

Social Skills- Individual and group

Bereavement counselling
Bereavement counselling is a type of counselling that involves supporting individuals who have experienced the loss of a loved one. This counselling helps them work through their grief as well as learn coping mechanisms to help them when they are on their own. Bereavement counselling is recommended for anyone, of any age, whose loss seems overwhelming or whose life is being adversely affected by their grief.

Family Counselling

Victims of bullying may find a supportive and safe environment to address their feelings in counseling. Being a victim of bullying can result in difficult emotions such as anger, shame, anxiety, and isolation. Counselling can help victims of bullying notice, share, and process painful feelings, which left unattended can negatively impact one's personal wellbeing. Counselling can equip one with coping skills for moving forward, such as assertive communication and boundary-setting

Trauma Counselling
Social skills training is a form of behavior therapy to help children who have difficulties relating to other people. A major goal of social skills training is teaching children who may or may not have emotional problems about the verbal as well as nonverbal behaviors involved in social interactions
Families can be a source of support, encouragement and love but sometimes relationships within families are put under strain and family members feel isolated or overlooked. Family counselling can help when siblings aren't getting on, or when parents and children are going through a divorce or separation. Family counselling will help with communication skills, troubled teenagers, parenting Children, goals, rules, dealing with the current crisis and giving hope
Trauma is defined as a unique individual experience triggered by a sudden, external overwhelming event or of persistent overwhelming conditions in which one’s ability to cope is compromised, as one experiences a real or perceived threat to his/her life, bodily integrity, or that of a significant other